
High Performance Logic Analyzer

It's summer time and you should be out and about enjoying the warm weather, communing with nature, maybe getting some exercise. Right? Well, sometimes life isn't just that simple, and we know it. Maybe you have pressing work duties that hold you hostage indoors, maybe you have the time but lack the will power and commitment to just go out and get healthy. Maybe you have a bit of technological addition that keeps you fixated upon shiny mechanical baubles, in detriment of getting some good old physical activity, which is all-around good for body and mind. Now, let's talk some environmental electronic equipment for you.

A Logic Analyzer is a laboratory test instrument designed to display and evaluate digital signals. The device works in a manner similar to the way that an oscilloscope displays and facilitates the analysis of analog signals.
The most important thing is that it allows engineers to design, optimize, and debug the hardware in prototype digital systems, and can help technicians find and fix problems in malfunctioning systems.

In its most basic form, a logic analyzer captures and displays a sequence of digital events. Once the data are captured, they can be rendered as graphical images, state listings, or decoded traffic. Some analyzers can compare each captured data set to a previously recorded data set,and let the operator know whether or not the two data sets are identical.

The functions of a digital storage oscilloscope with a logic analyzer are combined in a lab instrument known as a mixed-signal oscilloscope. This instrument can display multiple analog and digital signals one above the other,along a common horizontal time axis.

In a word, the Logic Analyzer offers a variety of digital information capture functions and a large memory capacity and has triggers as well as triggered procedures. It's good for you use.

